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Does your company need an external assessment?

If your company wants to outsource the task in whole or in part, P-Secure can get professional assistance to assess individual cases.

Vi har solid erfaring med at vurdere sager, i forhold til insidertrusler og truslen fra statslige aktører, herunder spørgsmål om eksportkontrol, dual-use og kritiske teknologier. Gennem vores samarbejdspartnere, kan vi hjælpe jer med vurdering af baggrundsundersøgelser fra det meste af verden, samtidigt med at vi garanterer overholdelse af gældende lovgivning, herunder EU GDPR-forordningen.

A wooden hand supporting a large tree branch

P-Secure helps when your business needs it

There may be situations where you need to supplement the automated survey, or cases of doubt where you need guidance in the field or where you do not have the necessary prerequisites yourself. Here you will be able to share the relevant case with an analysis team, with the relevant competencies — e.g. legal sparring, HR relations, financial matters, guidance on sanctions lists, export controls or critical technologies.

A wooden hand supporting a large tree branch

How does it work?


Case management at P-Secure

Your company uses the P-Secure platform as usual. In case of need of specialized help, an expert is connected to the case. All work is carried out directly on the P-Secure platform, which guarantees high security and efficient case management procedures.


Legal Agreements

To facilitate this process, a specific framework agreement and a data processing agreement are established. Herein, the analytical unit will be designated as a “sub-processor”, ensuring proper handling and compliance with applicable legislation.


Global expertise and collaboration

P-Secure has advanced capabilities in counterintelligence. We also work with partners such as PwC to handle matters of a financial or legal nature on a global level.

Security counseling with experienced experts

Security course for aviation

This course is based on the terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 and reviews developments in international terrorism with a focus on how the terrorist threat affects Denmark and Danish companies, especially in the field of civil aviation.

Main points:

- Terrorist threats to civil aviation: Examples of various terrorist attacks, including the cargo area.
- Relevant organisations and authorities: How ICAO, ECAC, the EU, the Danish Transport Agency, the police and PET play a role.
- Regulatory and regulatory requirements: Understanding NASP and how companies can meet these requirements.

1-3 hours as needed
The airline industry, “known customers”, Regulated agents.
Claus Rasmussen
Claus has a long career in the Danish police and in the Crime Prevention Council. He has been Security Advisor at PET, since 2004 and until his retirement in 2023. Claus has primarily worked to improve safety in the transport sector - with a special focus on the aviation industry.
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