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Why should my company conduct background checks?

P-Secure ensures that physical access and digital rights are granted and collected systematically, on an objective and validated basis. Most companies have processes in place to manage IT rights, but few have a handle on which employees or consultants get these IT rights. It is crucial that employee management in HR, physical access and rights management in IT are continuously coordinated and that any competency challenges are identified before critical parts of a company's values are given access.

Graphical illustration of finger prints

Reasons your company should do background checks

With P-Secure you can minimize the risk of fraud, financial crime, misuse of confidential information, breach of contract and similar situations that may have a direct or indirect negative impact on your business or your company's reputation.

Minimize your company's risk

Minimize the risk of fraud, financial crime, misuse of confidential information, breach of contract and similar situations that may have a direct or indirect negative impact on your business or your company's reputation.

Assess the suitability of your applicants

Assess the suitability of an applicant for a given position by verifying a number of aspects with importance both for the quality of employment but also in relation to insurance issues

Meet legal requirements for background checks

Meet the legal requirements for background checks in the upcoming EU Directives NIS2 and CER. If your company or organisation is characterised as critical infrastructure, it is an EU requirement that you conduct background checks on people performing sensitive tasks or are authorised to gain direct or remote access to company premises, information or control systems.

Get ready for new EU directives

The Critical Entities Resilience (CER) Directive is a key part of the EU's efforts to increase resilience and security in critical sectors. The Directive extends the scope of protection to critical units in various important sectors. By requiring robust risk management practices and effective contingency planning, the CER Directive works to strengthen Europe's infrastructures and ensure the continuity of services essential for the functioning of society. Implementation in Danish law will be done through Law of Resilience of Critical Units by mid-2025.

A European Union flag waving in the wind

Industries categorized as critical infrastructure

Billede af et fly på landingsbanen foran en lufthavn
AI genereret

Luftfart & Lufttransport

Luftfartsindustrien skal opfylde EU-krav og udføre udvidede baggrundskontroller, som inkluderer verifikation af identitet, CV-tjek og kontrol af straffeattester.

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Billede af en lastbil på vej ud af en terminal
AI genereret

Transport & Logistik

I transport- og logistikbranchen stilles ofte krav til kørekort, opholds- og arbejdstilladelse samt straffeattest af sikkerheds- og forsikringsmæssige årsager.

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Photo of a solar panel farm taken from the sky
Foto: Andreas Gücklhorn

Energi & Forsyning

Den nuværende sikkerhedspolitiske situation i Europa har ført til, at energisektoren øger sit beredskab - også hvad angår baggrundskontrol af ansatte.

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Billede af en 5G mast
Foto: Dena Skulskaya


En del af teleområdet vil, i henhold til CER-direktivet, blive kategoriseret som kritisk infrastruktur. Dette medfører krav om baggrundstjek.

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Billede af to forskere i et laboratorie
Foto: ThisisEngineering


Forskningssektoren står over for politiske krav om at styrke beskyttelsen af dansk forskning mod spionage og ulovlig overførsel af information til sanktionsbelagte lande.

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Billede af skyskrabere taget nedefra
Foto: Sean Pollock


Finansielle virksomheder spiller en kritisk rolle for infrastrukturen på det finansielle marked. Det er derfor naturligt at den finansielle sektor er højt reguleret.

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Billede a jægerfly med en blå himmel som baggrund
Foto: SaiKrishna Saketh Yellapragada

Leverandører til forsvaret

Leverandører til forsvaret har længe været omfattet af krav om egentlige sikkerhedsgodkendelser af Forsvarets efterretningstjeneste.

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Politimand læner sig ind til førerruden på en politibil
Foto: Jan Ferchof

Sikkerhed og beredskab

Hvis jeres virksomhed leverer sikkerhedsydelser, er I sandsynligvis allerede omfattet af krav om baggrundstjek af medarbejdere.

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A semi truck driving under a construction


I transport- og logistikbranchen stilles ofte krav til kørekort, opholds- og arbejdstilladelse samt straffeattest af sikkerheds- og forsikringsmæssige årsager.

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A semi truck driving under a construction


I transport- og logistikbranchen stilles ofte krav til kørekort, opholds- og arbejdstilladelse samt straffeattest af sikkerheds- og forsikringsmæssige årsager.

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A semi truck driving under a construction


Finansielle virksomheder er ikke direkte omfattet af de kommende krav om baggrundskontrol i henhold til CER-direktivet, men skal som minimum overholde lignende krav.

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A semi truck driving under a construction


I transport- og logistikbranchen stilles ofte krav til kørekort, opholds- og arbejdstilladelse samt straffeattest af sikkerheds- og forsikringsmæssige årsager.

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A semi truck driving under a construction

Øvrig kritisk infrastruktur

I transport- og logistikbranchen stilles ofte krav til kørekort, opholds- og arbejdstilladelse samt straffeattest af sikkerheds- og forsikringsmæssige årsager.

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National strategy and risk assessments for critical infrastructure

To protect the vital functions of our society, all EU Member States must develop a comprehensive national strategy for critical infrastructure. This strategy includes conducting detailed national risk assessments to identify critical entities such as companies and government agencies.

All EU states shall:

- Develop a national strategy for critical infrastructure.
- Carry out national risk assessments.

Identification of critical units

Based on the risk assessment, Member States shall:

- Identify critical entities (e.g. companies or public authorities) using common EU criteria.

Requirements for critical devices

Critical units shall implement specific technical and organisational measures to be monitored by the competent authorities of the Member States.

Minimum background check requirements

1. Confirm the identity of the person subject to the background check.
2. Check criminal records for relevant offenses in relation to the position in question.

Safety management of employees

An important part of security management includes background checks on selected employee groups in critical units. These entities will be subject to enhanced supervision, where the Commission may request:

- Disclosure of the risk assessment.
- The implementation plan of the technical and organizational measures.
- Carrying out advisory missions to assess the measures.

Sector-specific requirements

In addition, sector-specific requirements may arise depending on how sectoral authorities choose to design their implementing directives.

Learn more about the espionage threat

Watch the video below and learn more about the current espionage threat.

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