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Automated background checks for transportation and logistics

The regulatory requirements for the Transport and Logistics industry are continually being tightened. Among other things, critical infrastructure suppliers will be required to carry out comprehensive background checks on employees in the future, including identity verification, driver's license checks, employment history reviews, and criminal record checks.

Trucks neatly aligned in a parking area shot from above
Nokas logoDSV Transport logo

DSV Transport conducts annual background checks on employees and associated haulage companies

DSV Transport has chosen to conduct background checks for both employees and associated haulage companies. This practice ensures consistency in the company's background checks and provides audit opportunities for customers who require it.

DVS Transport representatives in front of a DSV Transport truck

Benefits of handling background checks yourself

By taking control of the background check process with P-Secure, your business achieves increased efficiency, improved security and full regulatory compliance. Explore the some benefits of self-administering background checks.


With P-Secure, your company is guaranteed full compliance with GDPR regulations. The platform has built-in data protection, privacy by design, which ensures that all personal data is processed correctly and stored securely. This means you can perform background checks without worrying about violating data protection laws, creating peace of mind for both your company and your employees.

Audit options

P-Secure enables companies in the critical infrastructure that are subject to audit requirements to easily provide the audit authority with access to relevant data. The system records and documents every step of the screening process, making it easy to review and verify data. This ensures that the company complies with the regulatory requirements in relation to employee safety management cf. ISO 27001 or the EU directives NIS2 and CER. P-Secure creates transparent and reliable documentation that can be viewed in both digital and physical auditing.

Case management

With the P-Secure platform, you can easily handle all background checks in your company. The system is designed to be user-friendly, making it simple and quick to manage screening processes. Everything from collecting data to approving results is done digitally, saving time and reducing administrative burdens. The intuitive interface ensures that even those without a technical background can navigate and use the system efficiently.

Annual checks

P-Secure makes it easy to automate the annual statutory background checks. By setting the system to regular screening intervals, you ensure that all employees and associated hauliers always meet the necessary requirements in relation to ID - criminal record - driver's license, etc. This feature saves time and ensures that no important checks are overlooked, contributing to the continuous maintenance of the company's compliance requirements.

What our customers say about P-Secure

Lars Christensen

Lars Christensen

Markman - Asfalt, Kran & Grab

“P-Secure’s automatiserede løsning har reduceret vores tidsforbrug betydeligt, hvilket gør os i stand til at imødekomme vigtige sikkerhedskrav mere effektivt. Alle vores vognmænd og chauffører skal fremover bestå et baggrundstjek. Omfanget af disse tjek varierer naturligvis afhængigt af de specifikke opgaver, der skal udføres.”

DSV Transport logo
HR Director of NOKAS

Thomas M. Pedersen

Markman - Asphalt, Crane & Grab

“P-Secure's automated solution has significantly reduced our time consumption, enabling us to meet key security requirements more efficiently. All our hauliers and drivers will have to pass a background check in the future. The scope of these checks varies, of course, depending on the specific tasks to be performed.”

Nokas logo

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