On Tuesday January 16th, members of the Danish Business Defence Network and CenSec were invited to Børsen. In the coming months, they will be testing P-Secure's solution for automated background checks for free.
On Tuesday January 16th, members of the Danish Business Defence Network and CenSec were invited to the Børsen. In the coming months, they will test P-Secure's solution for automated background checks for free, which is currently used for enhanced background checks on applicants in Copenhagen Airport. During the test course, participants will have to make wishes for further development that suits their sector.
The aim of the project is to further develop a Danish solution that allows companies to carry out background checks quickly and efficiently on their own. Through this, we will help companies comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the EU's Critical Entities Resilience Directive (EU) 2022/2557), which will be implemented by the end of 2024. The CER Directive requires background screening of employees and suppliers of critical infrastructure.
Many companies and research institutions are currently experiencing an increased need — and an increased expectation — to carry out background screening of applicants and employees, both for general security reasons, IP and brand protection, but also due to the forthcoming EU CER Directive.
For most companies, conducting background checks will require multiple manual work procedures and thus the use of significant resources, time and money. Many companies will therefore find that they do not have the professional prerequisites and time and financial resources to carry out the necessary background checks.
It will also be a comprehensive task to cope with a subsequent audit, including compliance with the GDPR rules on the storage of personal data, etc. In isolation, this will be a large and resource-intensive task for individual companies and for the respective sectors. Therefore, a simple and user-friendly solution will give Danish companies a comparative advantage over many other European companies and at the same time ensure that Danish companies comply with EU directives.
In this way, Danish companies become preferred and competitive.