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New EU requirement for background checks on employees

In 2024, the EU directive CER will enter into force. The directive imposes stricter requirements for the safety management of employees. Learn more about the CER directive below.

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If your company performs work at, for example, a heating plant or a hospital, in 2024 you will be required to conduct background checks on the employees who have access to the company's systems, premises and information.

In 2024, the EU directive called Critical Entities Resilience (Directive on the resilience of critical units) (CER) in effect. This places stricter requirements on, among other things, companies' safety management of their employees, if the company is designated as a critical entity or are suppliers to it.

P-Secure can therefore, in cooperation with Dansk Erhverv and CenSec, offer a limited number of member companies to participate in a test phase of the P-Secure solution during the period January 15th 2023 to March 1st 2024. Participation in the test course is free of charge.

During the course, you will be able to conduct background checks on your own employees as well as gain practical experience with requirements, conditions and criteria regarding background checks of employees, should you be subject to this requirement regarding implementation of the CER Directive. You will also have the opportunity to influence the further development of the solution, so that your sector-specific requirements are implemented in the solution.

We are primarily looking for companies over 50 employees in the Energy, Transport and Telecommunications sectors — but all companies, organisations or authorities expected to be affected by the CER directive are welcome — on a first-come, first-served basis!

To register your business, you can contact us by pressing here or write to us at info@p-secure.com

Registration must be made no later than January 10, 2024.

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