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P-Secure enters into important agreement with Billund Airport

P-Secure has signed an agreement with Billund Airport to use their P-Secure for background checks. Billund Airport joins a number of other airports in the Rigfællesskabet that use P-Secure.

Inside an empty cafe with tables and chairs

It is a great pleasure to have Billund on board. Billund Airport has skilled and experienced employees in their security organization. By embedding their experiences in the P-Secure software, we enrich the system. This benefits not only the many other airports in Europe, but also companies that do not themselves have the same level of experience in interpreting the regulatory requirements that apply to the airline industry. By using P-Secure, they can also be sure of complying with the Danish Traffic Authority's regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and European legislation in general.

Resource saving — P-Secure can now be used across airports

Many of our customers operate at multiple airports and therefore have to complete a new background check and an associated application with the police at each airport. In the future, they will be able to use P-Secure across the airports that use P-Secure.

Several of our customers are also categorized as “regulated agents”, “known customers” or are suppliers to critical infrastructure. That's why they're subject to background check requirements, with annual re-checks. The same applies to all companies that are ISO 27001 certified. In the future, they can use P-Secure to document their background checks for all these different purposes.

Billund Airport has now joined the ranks of airports within the Rigsfællesskabet applying the same solution. This ensures a uniform treatment of the many thousands of background checks carried out in Denmark and Greenland.

By offering the same standard software across different sectors, we keep the price low for the benefit of the many companies that are either categorized as critical infrastructure or critical infrastructure vendors.

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